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Naturecan UK


Those investigating the range of CBD products available will likely have come across Naturecan, a company which has websites in more than 30 different countries.

CBD Patches, CBD Oil, CBD Skin Care, CBD Balm, CBD Capsules, CBD Vapes
Cannacares CBD

The group focus is based on three specific areas, product quality, customer safety and supply chain transparency. However, when you begin to dig a little deeper you will notice there is much more to Naturecan!

The company was originally founded by Andy Duckworth and John Finnegan who each bring specific skills and experience to Naturecan. Andy has an extremely impressive track record in the wellness business space, creating numerous online global leaders over the years. John is in charge of sourcing the best quality hemp, abiding by the ever-changing regulations and creating and maintaining the crucial supply chain.

While there are now many more members of the Naturecan team, Andy and Paul are the leading lights, the innovators and they have a mighty impressive track record between them!

Naturecan CBD

Even though CBD products are now part of the mass market, there is still much misinformation, speculation and untruths surrounding these innovative products. Therefore, before we go any further, we will take a look at the different types of CBD and highlight interesting observations. At this point, it is also worth noting that Naturecan products are based on broad-spectrum CBD – which we will cover in a moment.

There are three different types of CBD which are known as isolate CBD, broad-spectrum CBD and full-spectrum CBD. While all of these different types originate from the hemp plant, there are various filtering processes along the way.

For example, isolate CBD filters out all other elements of the hemp plant with the exception of CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD, the type used by Naturecan, includes all elements of the hemp plant with the exception of THC. On the other hand, full-spectrum CBD uses all elements of the plant including CBD, THC, flavonoids and terpenes.

Historically, controversy has surrounded THC which is the psychoactive element of the hemp plant. While this is not even included in the make-up of isolate and broad-spectrum CBD, it is only in minute volumes for full-spectrum CBD.

These volumes are less than 0.3% which ensures you won’t experience any type of high or negative impact on your health. From a legal perspective, CBD products are marketed as food supplements. However, there is strong evidence to suggest they can help with an array of medical issues such as:-

• Skincare
• Insomnia
• Pain relief
• Anxiety

It is important to note that the individual product pages on the Naturecan website contain a vast array of information. This includes ingredients, dosages and how individual products can help with various ailments. Whether an experienced CBD user or new to the market, it is important to make yourself aware of the different characteristics of each product.

Product reviews

It is safe to say that Naturecan has gone for a widespread approach to CBD products. When you enter the online store will see CBD oils, CBD snacks, CBD balms, CBD skincare, CBD capsules and bundled kits. There is a lot to choose from!

CBD Oils

There is a large selection of CBD oils on the Naturecan website varying in strength from 5% to 40% with a total of six different variations. All products are quality tested and it is safe to say whatever you need with regards to CBD oil, Naturecan can deliver. Even though we have seen a range of different products introduced to the CBD market, for many people, oils remain the focal point of the sector.

CBD snacks

The term CBD snacks will make many people chuckle but you will be impressed at the range of products from Naturecan. These include CBD gummies, cookies, chocolate, brownies and peanut butter. There is growing demand for these types of products which offer a more convenient and tasty way to ingest CBD.

CBD balms

While often marketed under the term “topicals”, CDB balms are effectively a sub-sector in their own right. There is a huge range of CBD balms on the Naturecan website including creams for muscles, joints, hand cream, lip balm and even massage oils. There is strong research which shows how ingesting CBD via the skin can help concentrate the impact on muscles and joints.

CBD skincare

Where do we start with the range of CBD skincare on the Naturecan website! You’ll find everything from CBD coconut shampoo to rose water, face cream to night-time cream, bath bombs to face sheets and more. Whether looking to treat yourself or a friend, there is a lot going on in the CBD skincare world!

CBD capsules

The majority of CBD products on the Naturecan website are vegan friendly, which is reflected in the range of CBD capsules available. These include traditional capsules and softgels, with some infused with additional ingredients such as vitamins C. While capsules are seen as old school by many people they are still one of the more popular means of maintaining your daily CBD levels.

Packaging and labelling

What can we say about Naturecan packaging and labelling? Firstly, whether looking at the website or individual product packaging and labelling, you will find everything you need to know about ingredients and dosage levels.

Secondly, while the vast majority of CBD companies will mention the environment and eco-friendly labelling/packaging in passing, Naturecan has a strong focus on this subject. Very strong!

The company has aspirations to be carbon neutral by the end of 2023, seeking to use regional suppliers, improve the recyclability of labels and packaging and shifting to plastic free product packaging. The vast majority of Naturecan products are already vegan friendly which adds to this impressive array of credentials. Naturecan is one of the most proactive CBD companies we have seen in this area.

TrustPilot rating

It is very rare for companies to offer quality affordable products while also maintaining one eye on the environment and the recycling of materials. However, with an average TrustPilot score of 4.6, it is safe to say that Naturecan is one of those companies.

A staggering 84% of customer reviews show a five-star rating with a combined 94% showing three stars and above. Where there are questions or queries, the company is very proactive on the website which also assists with customer satisfaction. They seem to have all areas covered!


It is safe to say that founders Andy and John appear to be the perfect team, bringing together their skills and experience to create an enjoyable customer appearance. The range of products is impressive, detail on each individual page informative and the company has outstanding environmental credentials. However, unwilling to rest on their laurels, the founders continue to push the company forward.

When reviewing CBD companies, very often there are obvious areas of improvement but with Naturecan it is difficult to pick any faults. The product range is broad; attention to detail is astounding not to mention the array of CBD focused information on the website.

Some CBD companies offer too broad a range of products, sometimes spreading themselves too thinly, but this is not a charge you can lay at the door of Naturecan. When all said and done, customer feedback says everything, supporting our observations when looking through the website and product range.

Take a look for yourself, you will be impressed!

Check out Naturecan CBD

CBD Patches, CBD Oil, CBD Skin Care, CBD Balm, CBD Capsules, CBD Vapes
Cannacares CBD