Arima CBD
Arima CBD founders Raymond Bohringer and Paul Cobain are incredibly hands-on, of that there is no doubt! The company was set up in 2018 to create a leading CBD retailer to supply the growing UK market.
Quite where they find time to keep up with the latest CBD research while visiting hemp farms worldwide is impressive. While some companies are not so strict on quality control, this is not an accusation that can be aimed at Arima CBD!
Companies such as Arima CBD are leading the way in the use of organic hemp, which is pesticide-free and GMO-free. Their full-spectrum CBD products are tested in state-of-the-art labs, and the founders have a very close relationship with partner hemp farms as the company strives to retain its leading status in the UK CBD market.
The appreciation of the environment and the creation of high-quality CBD products has not gone unnoticed by consumers!
Arima CBD
There are three different types of CBD, isolate, broad-spectrum and full-spectrum. As we alluded to above, Arima CBD uses full-spectrum CBD which includes all elements of the hemp plant, including THC. It is important to reiterate that the level of THC, the psychoactive component of hemp, is below 0.3% and does not give the highs associated with pure hemp.
Research into CBD shows several benefits, including:-
• Help with insomnia
• Improved skin health
• Assistance with pain relief
• Reduced anxiety
Evidence suggests that full-spectrum CBD enhances the above benefits, giving greater value for money. Unfortunately, while there is a growing list of positive scientific research into the benefits of CBD, it is still sold as a food supplement.
Product reviews
The Arima CBD shop sells a range of CBD oils and capsules.
CBD Oils
There is an exciting range of CBD flavours, including Rasberry, hazelnut and chocolate, black forest torte, peppermint, and plain oils. The CBD strength ranges from 10% to 20%, with usage advice on each product page.
CBD Capsules
Recently, there has been a growing demand for CBD capsules, created using a soft gel ingredient. There are 30 CBD capsules in each tub, with each capsule containing 10 mg of CBD. This is a product which people prefer to take with their morning coffee or tea. Alternatively, it can be taken at any time throughout the day.
Packaging and labelling
While there is no specific reference to environmentally friendly packaging and labelling, we can take this for granted with the company's central philosophy. As for the labelling itself, this is very basic, with a brand logo that maintains the focus on the product. There is information on product usage on the website and the labelling, as well as a comprehensive frequently asked questions section. Everything you need to know about using CBD in on the company’s website!
Customer feedback
Unfortunately, the TrustPilot page has only started, and there are no client reviews on the company's website. That said, if you search the likes of Google, you will see an array of positive comments on the company, its philosophy and the product range. Ideally, we would have preferred to have seen formal customer feedback, but no doubt this will follow.
The two founders are still very proactive in sourcing quality hemp and providing the best products for the UK retail market. There is also an appreciation of the environment and how hemp plants are grown and cultivated.
Arima CBD definitely instils a family approach to business, having built up an experienced workforce with a genuine interest and expertise in CBD. In addition, the founders have been meticulous in their approach to growing the business.
While it was a little disappointing not to find any client feedback, this will undoubtedly follow and will likely reflect the company's strong reputation in the UK.
As the company looks to maintain its standing in the UK market, we can also expect old product ranges to be reinstated and new ones introduced. Watch this space!
Check out Arima CBD